Special occasions call for fireworks however, if your neighbor is overdoing it then it can be annoying and frustrating. You start wondering about what to do when neighbors shoot fireworks over your house. If this sound like you then simply checkout the article below to have all your questions answered.
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What to do when neighbors shoot fireworks over your house?
Talk to your neighbor
If your neighbor is always shooting fireworks over your house then the best thing that you can do is to talk to your neighbor about it. You can organize a date and just talk about how the situation makes you feel uncomfortable or how much the noise affects you. Talking with your neighbor is a great way of maintaining relations. Furthermore, there is a chance that your neighbor will listen to you and do the right thing. So if your neighbor is giving you a hard time with their fireworks then try talking to then in a polite way.
Write a little note for your neighbor
If you are someone who doesn’t enjoy confrontations then its best for you to write a little note to your neighbor. You can deliver the note to their doorstep or put it on their windshield. Although this is a recommended option, there are many risks associated with it. For starters, the note might get lost along the way for example, the wind might blow it away or the kids might vandalize it before an adult sees it. Therefore, if you are considering of writing a note to your neighbor then you need to keep your fingers crossed so that they can see it.
Contact the Homeowners Association (HOA)
If your neighbor keeps shooting fireworks over your house especially when you had previously talked to them then you need to contact the Homeowners Association. The Homeowners Association will try by all means to confront your neighbor about the situation. Sometimes your neighbor will be given a written warning if the problem persists. So if you have a HOA in your neighborhood then please utilize it if your neighbor is giving you problems.
Call the police
If there is no Homeowners Association in your neighborhood then you should call the police. Fireworks are illegal in some states and if you are in a state where fireworks are illegal, your neighbor can get arrested. Although this might seem like an extreme measure of dealing with a neighbor who is shooting fireworks over your house this is actually the best method. There are a lot of dangers associated with shooting fireworks and if you had previously talked to your neighbor then it is within your right to have them arrested.
Ignore the situation
While this might sound like a silly option, this is actually the best option for dealing with neighbors who shoot fireworks over your house. If the fireworks do not cause harm to anyone then you should consider ignoring the whole situation. Consider being the bigger man in such situations and just let the whole thing go. You can even order ear buds online so that the noise doesn’t affect you that much. Trying to maintain good relations with your neighbors is always the best thing to do and in some cases you just have to ignore their mistakes especially if you are looking to maintain good relations.
Can I sue a neighbor for shooting fireworks over my house?
Different states have different laws, however, if you are in a state where fireworks are prohibited then you can definitely sue your neighbor for shooting fireworks over your house. However, before you can sue a neighbor for shooting fireworks over your house you need to consider a few things. Firstly, was anything damaged by the fireworks? If anything was damaged then you can sue them but, if nothing was damaged then you should use less extreme measures of dealing with your neighbor. You also need to consider if anyone was injured when the fireworks were set up. If no one was injured then there is no need for you to sue a neighbor. It’s important to always maintain good relations with neighbors even if they prove to be annoying. So before suing your neighbor for shooting fireworks over your house, try by all means to see whether this is a necessary step you need to take or whether you can talk to your neighbor and ignore the situation.
Do the police care about firework complaints?
The answer to this depends on the situation. If you are in a state where fireworks are deemed illegal then the police will definitely care about firework complaints and the person will be fined. However, if you are in a state where fireworks are legal the police might ignore your complaint unless someone has been injured as a result of the fireworks.
How to report illegal fireworks anonymously
If you are in state which prohibits the use of fireworks and your neighbor is using fireworks you might be forced to report the case. You can report the case online and keep your identity a secret. All you have to do is to include the street name or exact address where the illegal fireworks are being use. Remember not to indicate your name or contact details.
The dangers of using fireworks
Fireworks have a lot of dangers associated with using them, which is why some states have started banning the use of fireworks. For starters, fireworks can cause injuries to human beings and other animals. There have been many reports on people who have gotten injured because of fireworks. Furthermore, pets like dogs tend to be very sensitive when it comes to fireworks, some of the can bark uncontrollably which can be a bit frustrating on the owners. People who have PTSD are also affected by fireworks. So the next time you think of buying fireworks, try to consider the safety and health of those around you.
There are various ways in which you can deal with neighbors who shoot fireworks over your house. It is important to remember that fireworks are becoming illegal in some states so you need to do a bit of research before you purchase fireworks.