Indesit is responsible for making some of the most effective tumble dryers and the Indesit IDV75 is no exception. But however effective it may be in drying clothes after they’ve been washed, it is not perfect. In fact it has plenty of problems to boot, in this article however we’ll be taking a look at some of the most common problems on the Indesit IDV75 and how to take care of each of them as well.
Table of Contents
1. The Indesit IDV75 Is Too Noisy
Which is quite normal if the dryer is being used for the first time or if it has not been used in a while. If you’re operating the Indesit IDV75 under the two aforementioned scenarios then the problem with the noise is something you would have to bear because it is a normal part of the tumble dryer’s operational output.
What You Need To Do
- If the noise persists (or is too much for you to bear) beyond you using the tumble dryer for the first time or after using it then something (like the wheels or rollers of the drum that help spin the drum smoothly) is most likely broken. In such a case, your best option would be to call technical support from the Indesit company for further instructions on what you can do next. Which is likely going to involve you taking the Indesit IDV75 tumble dryer in for repairs regarding the above problem.
2. The Indesit IDV75 Takes Too Long To Dry Clothes
So you’ve put your wet clothes into the tumble dryer and have already started the drying cycle but the Indesit IDV75 seems to be taking forever. Well this may not be as big a problem as you may think with the Indesit IDV75. It only becomes a problem if it takes too long to dry your clothes but then when you remove them out of the drum they are still as wet as when you first put them in. The drying time of the Indesit IDV75 largely depends on the size of the load of your clothes (or the combined weight of your clothes) and also the types of fabrics that your clothes are made of. The more the weight, the longer it takes. Also the thicker the fabric, the more time it takes for it to dry.
What You Need To Do
- If you are still not convinced by the above argument you may check the following to help decrease the drying time. First make sure that the filter has been cleaned (after every drying cycle you need to make sure to clean your Indesit IDV75’s filter.)
- Before you push the start button on the tumble dryer, you have to select the correct drying time on the Indesit IDV75 for the exact type of load you have (the fabric of your clothing and how much it weighs.)
- Before you place your clothes into the Indesit IDV75 tumble dryer, make sure that they aren’t so wet (to the point where they’re all soggy and squishy.) Because the tumble dryer has sensors, it may take significantly longer to dry clothes that are more wet.
3. The Indesit IDV75 May Not Start Sometimes
There are a couple of reasons as to why this might happen with your Indesit IDV75, one of which is that the fuse of the socket on which you put the tumble dryer has blown (or the fuse of the tumble dryer itself.) A very common occurrence with huge appliances like washing machines and in this case a tumble dryer because they require a lot of power to start up in the first place. The main caues of this problem is due to the Indesit IDV75 requiring a lot of power. If you use an extension cord to power your tumble dryer, you are very likely going to suffer from this problem.
What You Need To Do
- Check to see if the Indesit IDV75 has blown a fuse or not, and if it has replace the fuse. You are more likely to not have this fuse-blowing problem if the Indesit IDV75 is plugged directly to a socket. But it must be inserted fully and correctly, meaning it should go in all the way.
- You can also try connecting another appliance to the socket you’re using to make sure it works if your tumble dryer is not turning on.
- Before attempting to turn on the Indesit IDV75 you should make sure that the door is shut tightly. The tumble dryer will not start if the door is loosely closed.
- Always make sure that everything is set correctly, you should select the appropriate programme you want the tumble dryer to execute. And always remember to push the START button because the Indesit IDV75 is not a fully automatic tumble dryer.
4. The Indesit IDV75 Is Likely To Overheat
All tumble dryers have what are known as “heating elements” that are responsible for heating the tumble dryer’s drum during a drying cycle. Heat is an essential part of drying clothes in the tumble dryer. The problem with the Indesit IDV75 is that it is bound to overheat during its drying cycle. However it may not only come down to the Indesit IDV75 alone. When you open the door of your tumble dryer during a drying cycle, you ‘trip’ the temperature sensor in the Indesit IDV75 which will then cause it to overheat.
What You Need To Do
- Never open the door of the Indesit IDV75 until after the dying cycle has been completed.
- If you are sure that the above problem (with the Indesit IDV75 overheating) is not being caused by you then you may have a damaged temperature sensor and will be better off calling Indesit’s technical support center for further assistance on the issue.
The Indesit IDV75 is not a perfect tumble dryer but on most occasions it does what it is supposed to. When you are faced with some of the problems on this list the last and probably best resort is to hit the reset button which is essentially the start button on the Indesit IDV75 but you have to make sure to press and hold it for a minute for the tumble dryer to fully reboot. The Indesit IDV75 tumble dryer is built for one thing (drying clothes, garments, etcetera) and it does that one thing okay.