2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP Problems : 6 Common Issues (Explained)

Owning a 2012 Polaris ranger 800 XP is a dream come true for many outdoor fanatics however, this vehicle comes with its shortcomings. Below we discuss some of the common Polaris ranger 800 XP problems you may face and how you can easily troubleshoot them.

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What Is The 2012 Polaris Ranger XP?

The 2012 Polaris ranger 800 XP is a utility vehicle that is built for extreme performance. It can be used for recreational activities and is designed to travel in extreme weather conditions. The 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP is very durable and is produced by the company known as Polaris.

2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP Problems

NB: The 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP is sold without any malfunctioning parts and the problems listed in this article are usually influenced by wear and tear of the vehicle.

1. Starting Problems

You may experience starting problems with the 2012 Polaris ranger 800 XP. This problem is usually caused by the following;

  • Lack of fuel in tank.
  • Use of old, contaminated or wrong fuel on vehicle.
  • Low or damaged battery.
  • Loose or damaged spark plugs.

Troubleshooting Starting Problems

In order to troubleshoot starting problems in the 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP you need to follow the instructions below;

  • Refuel the tank with clean or the correct type of fuel.
  • If there is dirty or old fuel in your tank, drain and replace it with fresh fuel.
  • Recharge battery or replace it with a new one if damaged.
  • Inspect spark plugs and replace them if damaged.

2. Engine Backfires

Another 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP problem is that the engine tends to backfire. Below are some of the factors which may cause the engine to backfire.

  • Use of old or incorrect fuel.
  • Loose ignition connections.
  • Loose, damaged or worn out spark plug.
  • Water present in fuel.

Troubleshooting Engine Backfire Problems

If your engine backfires, here are a few troubleshooting techniques that you may use to get your 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP up and running again.

  • Drain old fuel from the tank and replace it with clean fuel.
  • Check all ignition connections and tighten them.
  • Check spark plug and replace if damaged.
  • Ensure fuel is not contaminated with water before placing it into the tank.

3. Engine Misfires

Another common problem that you may experience with the 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP is that the engine misfires. This problem is influenced by the following factors;

  • Fouled or damaged spark plug.
  • Loose ignition connections.
  • Low battery voltage.
  • Clogged air filter
  • Water present in fuel.

Troubleshooting Engine Misfire Problem

In order to troubleshoot the engine misfire problem in a 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP you need to do the following;

  • Inspect and clean spark plugs or replace them if they are damaged.
  • Check all connections and tighten them.
  • Check battery voltage and charge if it is low.
  • Clean air filter if it is clogged and replace it if damaged.
  • If water is present in fuel, drain it from the tank and replace it with clean, fresh fuel.

4. Engine Knocks

The engine of a 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP may knock and this is usually caused by the following factors;

  • Incorrect spark plug gap or heat range.
  • Poor quality fuel.
  • Incorrect ignition timing.

Troubleshooting Engine Knocks Problem

If the engine of your 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP knocks here are a few ways in which you can troubleshoot the problem;

  • Set the spark plug gap as specified in the manual or you can just replace the spark plugs if they are damaged.
  • Drain poor quality fuel and replace it with quality fuel.
  • If the ignition timing is incorrect, it’s advisable to take the utility vehicle to an authorized dealer so that they may fix it.

5. Park Brake Engine Fails To Disengage

The park brake of a 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP may fail to disengage and this problem is usually caused by the following.

  • Not disengaging the park brake completely.
  • Malfunctioning switch or connector.

Troubleshooting Park Brake Problem

In order to troubleshoot the park brake problem in a Polaris Ranger 800 XP you need to do the following;

  • Ensure that the lever is in the forward most position.
  • Check the switch and connector of the park brake to see if they are in the correct position. If they are not, you may need to visit an authorized dealer to have that fixed.

6. Engine Does Not Turn Over

The engine of a 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP may fail to turn over. This problem is usually caused by a number of things as pointed below;

  • Low battery.
  • Loose or damaged solenoid.
  • Loose battery connections.

Troubleshooting Engine Does Not Turn Over Problem

If the engine of your Polaris Ranger is refusing to turn when you are trying to start it here are a few ways in which you can troubleshoot the problem.

  • Recharge the battery until it reads 12.8 VDC.
  • Check solenoid and replace it if damaged.
  • Check battery connections and tighten them.

How To Avoid 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP Problems

The best way to avoid the 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP problems is to regularly service your vehicle. This helps to ensure that problems are detected earlier before they turn into a bigger issue. Furthermore, you should always maintain and care for your vehicle so that it can last you for a number of years.

Why Is My Polaris Ranger 800 overheating?

Your Polaris Ranger 800 may be overheating because the air filter is clogged or because the engine coolant or engine oil has been finished. Therefore, you may need to clean the air filter or refill the engine coolant and oil.

Are Polaris Rangers Dependable?

Yes, Polaris Rangers are very dependable. This is mainly because they are designed to work in any environmental or weather conditions. Furthermore, they are very durable. So if you are looking to buy one, you should definitely go for it.


The 2012 Polaris Ranger 800 XP is a good utility vehicle to purchase even though it is likely to succumb to one or more of these problems in the future. It is worth noting that every utility vehicle as its own problems and it is very wise for you to research on these problems before you can decide on purchasing one.