The Singer Promise 1408 is a portable and lightweight sewing machine designed to be as compact as possible. This causes the sewing machine more problems than it solves, one way it does so is that the sewing area is also compact (small) which may prove troublesome and annoying for some users. Most features people have come to love and appreciate on some Singer sewing machines, the Singer Promise 1408 does not have. Perhaps to cater to a different group of people or to make it as affordable and accessible as possible. The Singer Promise 1408 looks as though it was designed specifically for children and rightly so, the sewing machine is arguably safe and very easy to use. A beginner would get the hang of it in a matter of two to three sewing lessons. But with such a machine there’s bound to be compromise, compromise can sometimes prove to be the cause of many problems and the Singer Promise 1408 is full of compromise.
Table of Contents
1. Bobbin Thread Will Not Stitch
The bobbin’s thread is equally as important as the needle thread, when the two interlock, it is what makes a stitch. The Singer Promise 1408’s bobbin thread does not work, when the needle thread goes down into the needle plate to pick up the bobbin thread to interlock, it doesn’t work properly.
To Do
This can easily happen when the bobbin is placed in its case backwards. For the bobbin to unwind it needs to be placed in such a way that the thread from the bobbin comes out in an anticlockwise direction, which means the thread should unwind to the left hand side of the sewing machine and come out of the needle plate.
2. Loose Top Threading
This problem eventually leads to loose and looped threading on the bottom stitches of a fabric. It is caused by a weak and loose thread tension (how much strain is on the thread of a sewing machine.)
To Do
It is important to check the Singer Promise 1408’s threading before beginning to sew. The needle needs to be specific to the type of thread and fabric being sewed on. Top Thread Tension can be adjusted and before sewing on a project, you should test the stitch quality on a patch of clothing.
3. Breakable Parts
Because of the compromises in the build and material quality on various parts of the Singer Promise 1408 is susceptible to the problem of breakage and damage. Most users of the Singer Promise 1408 have reported the knob located on the sewing machine’s front breaking and becoming unusable in a matter of days or in some cases upon the Singer Promise 1408’s arrival.
To Do
If this problem occurs on the Singer Promise 1408 during its warranty period it can easily be returned for a full refund (Provided you still have the receipt.)
4. Gets Very Hot
The Singer Promise 1408 is very small so most features that allow the machine to cool down or use power more efficiently are not available, that and the fact that it is made entirely out of low quality plastic (except the needle and needle plate of course.) The motor on the inside of the machine tends to heat up extremely. At times due to the power output that the sewing machine is plugged into.
To Do
It is good to always make sure that the power input of your power source matches the one given in the Singer Promise 1408’s instruction manual.
5. It Is Unbalanced
The sewing machine doesn’t sit steadily on a flat table surface, it can literally have a 2.5cm difference on one corner as compared to other corners on the Singer Promise 1408 sewing machine.
To Do
Unfortunately this cannot be solved, unless you are willing and don’t mind using a piece of wood or material to cover the gap so as to make the sewing machine steady.
6. Needle Breaks
When a stronger or thicker fabric is used for sewing projects, naturally a smaller needle with low quality build will inevitably break. But on the Singer Promise 1408 this problem occurs even on lighter fabrics.
To Do
It would help to check of the needle on the sewing machine is placed correctly and securely into place. The flat side of the needle should always face or be towards the back. It’s also very important to use the correct presser foot so that the needle doesn’t hit on it.
7. Upper Thread Breaks
The Singer Promise 1408’s thread tension is very flimsy, meaning it is victim to change at any time. Due, again, to the sewing machine’s weak design. The mechanisms that help tighten or loosen the tension are not as good or reliable as on other advanced Singer sewing machine models (as compared to the Singer Promise 1408 of course.) Sometimes it is because the thread is wound around the spool holder (the rod or “pin” you put your thread in.)
To Do
This problem can be solved or at least avoided in the following ways.
- First, re-threading the entire sewing machine which requires you to remove all the threading from the sewing machine and then making sure all the threading in the machine is done correctly.
- Second, it helps to remove the reel and wind the thread onto the reel.
- Another solution would be to change the needle your sewing machine has. Most times needles can have sharp ridges on them that may cut the thread. So it is important when dealing with an issue such as this to check every single part of the sewing machine related to it.
8. Makes Funny Noises
When the motor is running and causing the sewing machine to vibrate both internally and externally it will cause a lot of noise. This can also make the Singer Promise 1408 more prone to breakage as a result of constantly vibrating which will weaken the sewing machine’s build quality even more.
- It can also be accentuated by the accumulation of oil on the needle bar/plate or the needle being damaged. Lint and debris from fabrics can build up up under the needle plate causing the sewing machine’s gears to work harder and thus make funny noises.
To Do
It’s very important that the sewing machine is kept thoroughly clean. Always clean it with a fine brush and is regularly oiled. This may help in quieting the sewing machine.