Problems With Bobcat 763 (And Solutions)

Bobcat 763 is a 46hp liquid cooled engine loader manufactured and supplied by Bobcat Company. The loader comes under skid steel loaders.

Table of Contents

Starting Problems

Starting problems are common in several loaders as well as Bobcat 763 skid steer wheel loader. The starting problems in Bobcat 763 loader usually arise from failure of one of many components of the ignition system as discussed below.

Defective Battery

The purpose of the battery unit is to supply adequate current to start the ignition process. If the battery becomes defective, the loader experiences problems in starting to run the engine due to low or unavailability of current to start the ignition. Bobcat 763 loader batteries may encounter problems with worn out battery terminals, broken lead cells for lead acid batteries, low electrolyte levels within the battery cells leading to starting problems. The first thing to look at when experiencing starting problem with Bobcat 763 loader is battery voltage. Using voltage test meters check the batteries voltage and recharge the battery in cases of low voltage. If the battery cannot accept recharging probably the cells or terminals are broken and charging current cannot flow. It is recommended to then replace the battery with new and recharged one.

Incomplete or Broken Electrical Circuit

For an electric current to flow, there must be a complete circuit from the power source through the power loads. If a circuit is broken no current flow occurs and starting problems are experienced with Bobcat 763 loaders. To solve the broken circuit connection, trace all electrical cables from battery terminals and ensure they are all tightly connected without any loose connections and exposed wires touching any metal loader part. Broken connections requires rejoining and insulation to avoid shorting the circuit.
Bobcat 763 loaders are provided with troubleshooting guides which are very important in resolving these problems.

Defective Spark Plugs & Ignition Coil

These two elements of the ignition system are critical in Bobcat 763 loader starting. Any damaged spark plug should be removed and replaced with functional unit. The same with ignition coil, broken coils result in starting problems and therefore need to be changed. It is recommended to follow manual procedure in attending to these issues or consult competent person.

Hydraulic Problems

The hydraulic system is responsible for various functions including braking, lifting of bucket using ram cylinders for loading and general cleaning operations which require large forces. The major problems with hydraulic systems despite their advantage of being more powerful is wear and tear of components that make up the hydraulic system. This is also attributed to high pressure which directs its operation. This lead to Bobcat 763 loader experiencing problems including losing power to load, stock pile and sometimes rams stick while lifted. Hydraulic system comprises of hydraulic pump, hydraulic cylinders, pipes, valves and fittings all designed for high pressure applications. These components fail with time and hence they are the major areas to look into in cases of hydraulic problems with Bobcat 763 loader. It is also recommended to engage services of a competent person and consult the supplier manual in resolving these problems.

Loss of Loading Power

Loading operation using Bobcat 763 loader involves lifting of bucket using ram cylinders by the force exerted by the hydraulic fluid. In cases where the loader fails to lift the bucket, it is important to first check all hydraulic pipes and fittings for leakages. Hydraulic fluid leakages results in pressure loss and therefore the cylinders will not raise the bucket. All leaking pipes and fittings should be tightened and all damaged components replaced. This helps to stop leakages and increase pressure required raise the bucket. Sometimes leakages occurs at the valves which require replacement in case of failure. The second component to look at is the hydraulic pump. The pump is the heart of the hydraulic system, it supplies all the pressure lines to cylinders with hydraulic fluid and maintain high pressure to operate them. If the pump fails, the loader will not be able to raise the bucket at all. There is no pressure to allow for lifting and lowering of the rams which support the bucket. Faulty pumps should be repaired and or replaced with new pump. For repairs it is important to engage the services of a competent person to ensure quality work is achieved.

Loader Bucket Gets Stuck in Loading Position

Bobcat 763 loader sometimes experiences problem with sticking rams. This implies that the bucket sometimes will be raised but fails to be lowered. There are many reasons why this problem can be encountered during operation. As mentioned above, loaders relies largely on efficiency of their hydraulic system. The fluid movement is controlled by valves which allow inlet hydraulic pipe during raising of bucket to act as return pipe during lowering. This is controlled by hydraulic valves which forms important part of the system. If these hydraulic valves fail due to contamination with dirt and oil, they usually stick during operation resulting in bucket failing to lower down. The same problem occurs when Bobcat 763 loader control levers becomes defective, these are the ones that operates the valves and allow high pressure fluid flow to and from pipe lines. All valves should be periodically inspected and cleaned as recommended by supplier. Frequency of inspection and cleaning depends on operating conditions of the loader. In dusty environments the frequency should be small as compared to those operating in less dust environments. Also inspect the cylinder piston for dents and deformation. Sometimes the piston my get damaged in its extended position creating dents or bent along its length, this results in resistance during retraction and extension of the piston

Piston Moving Slow

This implies that the piston moves slow as compared to its normal operation speed. This problem in Bobcat 763 loader occurs due to four major issues. Firstly, faulty hydraulic pump affects the speed of piston movement. If the pump action is slow, so does the fluid movement and pressure build up within the cylinder. This results in slow piston movement which may delay operation. Any faulty pump should be replaced to avoid this problem using Bobcat 763 loader. Another failure mode is the leaking of hydraulic fluid. This can easily be seen by inspecting for any visual signs of fluid contamination on pipes and connections. Leakages result in pressure lose within the hydraulic system and therefore the piston movement is retarded. Leakages should be identified and solved by either tight fitting or replacement of all leaking valves and pipe sections. Leakages also result from seal failures which require replacement as well. Competent person should be engaged in repair jobs. Use of wrong oil grade also affects the performance of the Bobcat 763 loader causing piston movement problem. Supplier oil grade recommendation should be used as a guideline in oil replacement and top up.