Global poultry feed consumption has consistently increased over the past decades and the trend is expected to continue. This places great pressure on feed resources that are already strained. This increase is caused by the widespread of poultry production as more farmers seek to partake in this lucrative agricultural venture. The result has been exorbitant prices of feed demanded by commercial producers which prove unsustainable, especially where large numbers of chicken are involved. The need for alternative poultry feed is therefore made clear. Such a strategy requires an in-depth understanding of various poultry supplementary feeds and their nutritional value versus variety and maturity of poultry. A number of extensive research have been conducted on different feed alternatives and their utilization as well as effects on poultry development and productivity. Sesame meal in poultry feed was found to have profound benefits to agriculture.
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Nutritional Value of Sesame Meal
Sesame meal is the protein rich by-product obtained after oil extraction. Sesame meal has a high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid content that ranks just below soybean and maize. It is known for its superior protein content necessary for growth and development, health maintenance as well as overall productivity. Various health benefits of sesame meal in poultry feed have been recorded. It basically contains approximately 46% crude protein, 8.9% ether extract, 5.7% ash. The contents of calcium, phosphorus, methionine and methionine as well as cystine and methionine are roughly 0.16%, 0.04%, 0.52% and 0.59%, respectively. Sesame oil contains about 47% oleic acid and 39% linoleic acid. It is also a rich source of tocopherols and lignans (notably sesamin and sesamolin) that provide exceptional oxidative stability compared to other edible oils.
Sesame meal in poultry feed is highly recommended as it does not contain any proteolytic enzyme inhibitors nor substances that can hinder growth. Due to these benefits among numerous others, sesame meal proves to be an effective alternative or supplement to expensive grain feeds. However, a range of agricultural research have reported that sesame meal contains high levels of phytic and oxalic acids in the hull, making some minerals unavailable and giving a bitter taste. This can be managed through the provision of feed additives or supplementary feed rich in lacking nutrients.
Growth Enhancement
Farmers are increasingly seeking natural means of enhancing productivity after restrictions on use of antibiotics as growth promoting agents. Sesame meal in poultry presents an effective solution. Sesame meal has an impressionable nutritional profile and so can be used to improve growth of birds. It is a rich source of protein and trace minerals that are needed to achieve better carcass growth. It has been proven that sesame meal in poultry leads to improved physiological measurements in terms of body weight, weight gains, feed intake and carcass weight. As such birds that are fed sesame meal reach sexual maturity earlier hence improved productivity. The same applies to broilers and so are sold timeously guaranteeing an increase in revenue. Broilers lacking in protein develop stunted growth or mature slowly thereby demanding more investments in terms of feed and medication thereby negatively affecting profits.
Health Maintenance
Livestock health is at the core of agriculture. This is partly because it determines productivity and so has a direct impact on profitability. Antibiotics are popularly used to maintain health birds. However accordingly to some research, antibiotics leave residues that can potentially impact human health in a negative manner. For this reason, restrictions have been put in place in a number of countries. It is therefore advisable for farmers to make use of natural antioxidants. The upside of sesame meal in poultry is that it provides the necessary minerals and nutrients to maintain the health of birds. Agricultural research provides relevant evidence by stating that sesame meal is a good source of several nutrients that are important for immune system function, including zinc, selenium, copper, iron, vitamin B6, and vitamin E. These offer birds some of resistance towards diseases and infections thereby allowing for a successful yield.
Lipid Oxidation
Poultry are susceptible to lipid oxidation which is a popular problem among chicken breeders. Oxidation is basically a microbial deterioration which has a negative effect on lipids, pigments, proteins and vitamins. Lipid oxidation affects the colour, texture, taste and nutritional value of the meat. This leads to shallow profit margins as the meat is often sold at lower prices. In addition, egg production is limited thereby also limiting income generation. Synthetic antioxidant are highly famed as a means to control this challenge. However, some of them including antibiotics are frowned upon. Other antibiotics antioxidants are under strict ban in most countries. Sesame meal contains high amounts of the natural antioxidants sesamin, sesamolin, and sesaminol which are considered beneficial for animal health. It also contains high quantities of these antioxidant polyphenolic compounds, which makes livestock resistant to oxidation. It has been proven that inclusion of about 10% sesame meal in poultry has benefits on animal health and performance, without any negative effects.
Sesame Meal in Layer Production
Sesame meal in poultry is of the essence in layer production. Sesame meal contains a variety of nutrients and minerals like protein and calcium which play an important role in improving layer production. Chickens provided with sesame meal generally tend to perform better in comparison to other birds. As a matter of fact, sesame meal can even be used to replace soybean meal which is the standard protein ingredient for commercial feeds. Sesame meal in poultry advances the quality of eggs, egg yolk as well egg size. If consumed in appropriate amounts with relevant supplements, sesame meal can control cholesterol levels by approximately 8%. With the current global craze on healthy food options, eggs with low cholesterol levels are invaluable thus command slightly higher prices. It is important for farmers to understand that despite its glorious nutritional profile, sesame meal must always be accompanied by feed rich in lacking minerals. This is because a deficiency can cause adverse effects on health and egg production.
Sesame meal is the residue after oil extraction from seeds. Sesame meal in poultry is highly recommended to farmers seeking an affordable yet effective feed. It is rich a source of essential nutrients for poultry growth and development, egg production, health maintenance and control of oxidation. Furthermore, sesame meal in poultry is said to have numerous medicinal properties thereby allowing birds some form of protection against diseases. Note that similar to all poultry feeds, appropriate supplements have to be provided in the recommended rations. It is not advisable for chickens to be provided with feed comprising solely of sesame meal as health and productivity can be compromised. Farmers are advised to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge and understanding of various types of poultry feeds so as to develop relevant mixtures for maximum production.