Can Sheep Eat Eggs?

Protein is of the utmost importance in the diet of livestock. It is the standard against which all feed supplements are measured. Due to its importance in achieving high production levels, it is the most expensive type of livestock feed. As a matter of fact, it is expected to increase even further within the next 5 years. This creates a great need for farmers to find alternative feed sources that nutritious and readily available. As such, a great deal of agricultural investment is focused on finding out whether ruminants, including sheep can eat feed considered as primarily human food. Since eggs are a great source of protein, some studies are being conducted to find out whether sheep can feed on eggs for the purposes of enhanced production.

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Nutritional Value of Eggs

Eggs make up a significant amount of human dietary plans. They are considered as highly nutritious and used as a source of protein necessary for daily body functions. Due to their superior nutritional value, eggs can also be given to other animals including sheep. According to research studies, eggs are an ideal source of protein among other nutrients necessary for the well-being of livestock. They are often used in the nutritional plan of growing lambs as they need an increased protein supply for growth and development. Studies conducted on the subject matter point out that eggs are a valuable means of managing production costs. Since they are an easily available feedstuff, they can be used as a protein supplement instead of using commercially produced feeds and additives. Eggs are also rich in vitamin A, B5, B12, B2, folate, selenium, phosphorus, calcium and zinc. These are important in maintaining healthy and productive livestock.

Egg Supplements for Physical Development OF Lambs

The use of eggs as nutrition supplements for livestock is not a new practice. In fact, farmers have been using this method for over decades. However, although sheep can eat eggs for the purpose of their physiological development, this was considered as an unconventional method until recently. Various studies have since been conducted to find out the effects of eggs on growth, health and production of sheep. Findings indicate that eggs are a valuable source of protein required by young lambs. Since commercially produced protein supplements are expensive, eggs can be used as a feed supplement. According to research, suckling lambs must be provided with highly digestible feed rich in necessary nutrients for growth and development purposes. Some research studies state that eggs in milk replacer is a valuable feedstuff for sheep dietary plans. On the other hand, some argue that this practice has negative effects on feedlot performance and feed efficiency. Since then, the quality of protein and fat source of eggs have attracted the attention of most researchers. These have established that eggs can be highly beneficial to growth and development of sheep.

Egg Supplements for Heat Maintenance

Sheep can feed on eggs supplements as a means of maintaining health. Suckling lambs are vulnerable to diseases and infection. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to make sure that they are provided with sufficient nutrients and minerals. Similar to humans and other animals, the type of feed provided determines the state of their health. That being said, adding eggs to the dietary plan of suckling lambs proves valuable in ensuring a healthy flock. Sheep are provided with essential nutrients that help to boost the immune system thereby allowing them to fight diseases. The proteins and minerals found in eggs help to prevent various health issues that may cost farmers a lot of money in veterinary costs. Not only do eggs contain sufficient protein but they are also made up of calcium which is necessary for muscle, teeth and bone development. It has been stated that sheep can eat eggs in rations of about 15 to 30%.

Is Bread OK For Sheep?

Since sheep are not selective eater and are generally known to feed on a variety of feedstuff including those mean for humans, it is normal to consider whether or not they can eat bread. According to research studies, sheep can feed on bread without necessarily affecting growth and development, health, production as well as reproduction. As a matter of fact, it is advisable to a limited amount of bread to the nutritional plan of ruminants provided that it is readily available. Sheep can feed on eggs and bread among other feed considered as safe for humans to eat. Bread is a rich source of nutrients required for daily sustenance of sheep. While some farmers may be sceptical about this practice, experts point out that bread can be used as a feed supplement to enhance health and physiological development of sheep hence improved production levels. It contains 2 of the most basic nutrients, namely; protein and energy. Sheep provide with a solely forage diet during the dry season or in areas experiencing drought may be deficient in these minerals therefore negatively impacting on their overall well-being. Under such circumstances, bread is a valuable source of nutrients. Note that although sheep can eat eggs and some other feedstuff meant for humans, providing these items to excess is risky. Overfeeding bread to animals is known to cause acidosis among other digestive issues.

What Mineral Is Toxic To Sheep?

Animals have different mineral requirements. Excess mineral composition in their feed can cause toxicity thereby negatively affecting their overall well-being. As such, despite the fact that sheep can eat eggs, bread and other types of feed, this does not mean that they are able to feed on any feedstuff. Sheep have a very low tolerance to copper and so should never be given feed that is high in this mineral. Note that symptoms of copper poisoning do not occur immediately but are experienced over time. Experimental research reveals that the effects of copper poisoning are often witnessed in about a year. In severe cases, fatality is experienced within days of showing symptoms. Signs of copper poisoning include lack of appetite, anaemia, fragile bones, hair loss, bloody urine and power wool coverage. As such, although copper is an ideal mineral for goats, it should never be provided to sheep due to these consequences. It is of the utmost importance for farmers to make sure that supplementary feedstuff for sheep does not contain high levels of copper.